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Practical Life

Empower children to become independent individuals, capable of managing daily tasks with confidence.



English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Broaden children's horizons and gain a greater appreciation for Malaysia's cultures.

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Days Perfect Swim

Swim lessons taught by

Days Perfect Swim at our preschool's heated pool provides a comfortable environment for children to learn.

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Outdoor, Indoor and Water Play

Watch as your child learns, explores and develops new skills while having fun at our preschool. Give them the gift of play and join our community today.

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Holiday  and
Term-Break Excursion

Our holiday and term-break excursions offer a unique opportunity for young learners to explore and learn about the world around them. Our educational excursions blend learning and entertainment seamlessly.

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Our Sensorial Program is

a unique approach that focuses on developing a child's five senses. 

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Character Building

We believe that character is just as important as academics, and strive to instill values such as honesty, empathy, and perseverance in our students. 

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Story-telling & Act Play

Through story-telling and act play, children learn to express themselves and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.


Pre-Reading, Pre-Writing & Pre-Numbers

Our early learning program is designed to help your child reach their full potential, setting the foundation for a lifetime of success.


Writing, Reading & Arithmetic

Our writing, reading, and arithmetic program is the perfect way to lay the foundation for a successful academic future. Your child will gain the skills they need to thrive both in and out of the classroom. 



Our phonics program is designed to prepare your child for reading while making learning engaging and fun. 


Music & Dance

Designed to give children the opportunity to express

themselves through movement and develop their musical and dance skills. 

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Constructive Play

Helps your child develop social skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities through Lego, blocks and homemade playdough.

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Mandarin Enrichment Classes 华文进修班

Give your child the opportunity to expand their knowledge with our Mandarin Enrichment Class. Our after school program is designed for children from all backgrounds and experience levels. 

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Sports Day

Our preschool students get to showcase their skills and athleticism in a variety of sports activities, and parents are invited to participate too. It's a great opportunity to bond with your little ones while promoting teamwork and sportsmanship. 


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Our Mastering Languages program is specifically designed for preschool children who are excited to learn new languages.


Our approach to teaching is interactive and engaging, using creative methods such as flashcards, singing, dancing, and storytelling. We help your child recognize and gain basic knowledge and expand their vocabulary in Mandarin, English, and Bahasa Malaysia.


At the end of our fun and educational program, your child will become confident in communicating in three different languages!

Join our program and see your child thrive while mastering three different languages!



At our preschool, we understand that finding quality childcare can be a challenge. That's why we go above and beyond to offer a range of additional services for parents who need them. From our crèche for infants to our after-school enrichment program for older children, we provide a nurturing and stimulating environment where your child can thrive. Come see us in action today!

Full Day Care

Our Full Day Care program is designed to offer extended hours of care and education for your child. As a working parent, we understand the importance of providing our children with high-quality care and development resources. With our Full Day Care program, your child will further their learning with us, ensuring they receive the best possible education. We also allow children to have scheduled rest/nap times for their healthy growth.

Our daycare activities are designed to keep your child engaged and learning, while also having fun. With activities like reading, drawing and coloring, math games, and storytelling, your child will develop important skills to prepare them for a lifetime of success. Plus, our physical outdoor play and team activities help promote social skills and healthy habits.

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